
Dealing with Keto Breath Resulting From a Low-Carb Diet

Most people start fasting or taking low carb diet in order to lose fat and get fit. While these practices are undoubtedly great, bad breath can occur as a side effect. This kind of bad breath is often called keto breath because it is caused by a process called ketosis. Surely you can’t quit the diet plan, but you certainly can’t let this keto breath ruin your personality either. The causes of keto-breath First thing is that if you have keto breath, you are not alone. Keto breath is usually caused by switching to low-carb diet. The sudden change in diet may be a factor here but the main factor is diet’s reaction with the body. When we eat low-carb foods, the body has to consume the carbs and fats already stored in the body. This beneficial process starts with the help of ketones which are released to make the carbs and fast usable. Hence, the process of ketosis, which is attributed to the action of ketones, starts. This is what results in the keto breath. How to ...